Saturday, June 5, 2010


I haven’t blogged in a while; for this I am sorry. The first matter to discuss is our trip to the Turnberry Resort, on the southwest coast of Scotland, which we took a month ago. As you can see, the place was amazing, probably one of the most beautiful places that I have ever visited.

Turnberry is the most recent host of the Open Championship, which saw Stuart Cink defeat the great Tom Watson in a three hole playoff. Watson, 59 at the time, will be forever linked with the Alisa course at Turnberry for his unbelievable performance in 2009, as well as his victory there in 1977, dubbed the duel in the sun, which many, including my father, believe to be the greatest Sunday in golf history. Needless to say, William and I were pretty fired up to get out there.

There were ocean views on almost every hole, many times the ocean came into play, especially on 8 & 9 where you drove from a peninsula and had to carry the ocean to get to the fairway. It was easily the most beautiful course I have ever seen. I played on somewhere in between bad and bad/average, carding a 90 that included a 4 putt and 4 three putts. I chalk that up to either William and I practicing on the wrong putting green for 45 minutes before the round or my just being a bad golfer. Either way, I was disappointed, as I hit the ball decently. One of these times, I will stop playing woeful bogey golf and do something with myself.

The Turnberry resort was spectacular, with the locker room and club house being top notch and the hotel being one of the most famous in the world. One of my favorite parts about the resort was their 18 hole pitch and putt, which William and I took full advantage of. The hotel and pitch and putt are pictured below.

One of the best parts of the trip, in addition to taking round one of the British Cup (the three round competition between William and myself), was staying at the Fairways Turnberry Bed and Breakfast. Steve and Sandra, the B&B’s owners were absolutely wonderful. Turnberry, being a bit remote, has very few places to eat if one does not have a car. Steve and Sandra drove us everywhere and even took us out to eat one time. It was the best Bed and Breakfast Experience I have ever had. As we left, Sandra gave us a hug and told us she would miss being our mom.

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